Tuesday, September 7, 2010

This made my day...

It was my turn to be on the receiving end of my "I love you" game today.

The huMAN sent me the following this morning:

"I love you because you make the best dinners in the whole wide world....
I love you because you tickle me and no one has done that to me since i was a kid.....
I love you because you make me feel so secure in myself....
I love you because you play silly games with me and make me laugh at us both....
I love you because you give me a hard time about they types of movies i enjoy....
Most of all I just love you for you...the most loving, caring person I have ever met and the best mate that a bloke could ever ask for...."
Dude has totally made my day!!!
This is the best thing anyone has ever said to me!!!
Your turn: What's the best thing anyone has ever said to you?


OldLady Of The Hills said...

Really Really Sweet...! I honestly cannot think of the nicest thing someone has said to me. There have been lots of nice things said by any number of people--So, I cannot pick out one!

Bobby Allan said...

Wow, I'm impressed. He's a keeper!

I'll let you know when someone says it...