Thursday, September 9, 2010

Well done Sir! Jolly Good!

I am a nurse.

In my line of work you find yourself congratulating people and making a big fuss over the most mundane things. Things, that when you or I do them in our day to day existence, pass with little to no notice. But when a patient does them you have to act like it is the best thing in the world... Stupid things.

Like when a patient is recovering from surgery and passes their first fart post op. Or when someone gets a needle and doesn't faint. Or when a kid (and sometimes an adult) poops or pees in a cup on cue...

Pathlogy collection morning: The reason why I have spent my morning clapping and cheering and congratulating all those who pass (be it pee, poop, or "out") before me.
The teddy bear stamp is in high demand.
The carry on is exhausting, and a little bit pathetic. But it somehow seems an important, nay, required, part of the procedure!

And, if I'm really truly honest with myself, somewhere, deep inside, it makes a tiny weeny little piece of me wish that someone congratulated me when I pooped... Just a little bit...


Bobby Allan said...

I work in a hospital but I'm not on the "congratulations you pooped" end. I work far away from all that fun in administration. Good thing, because when there are sick people in the elevator, I get off on any floor just to get away from them!

Juniper said...

I've recently spent my first spell in hospital, following an accident and subsequent surgery for a broken femur. My 'big thing' was getting in and out of bed without any help!

I kept the pooping private...